More Blogging about Blogging

Hi all

Blogging is a constant content machine but at times that machine can seem like a monster. Either we writers have so many ideas that they burst from us and it’s a struggle to get them all down then translate them into good quality articles or writer’s block becomes our worse enemy as we scramble to turn crumbs of thought into some idea, any idea at all. Today I want to talk about some ways in which bloggers can get their creative juices following in order to produce more content.

Reading other material 

Bloggers read blogs. we all have our special few favourites that we enjoy reading for whatever reason and return to over and over. This can be a great source of inspiration since good engaging writing should make you think intelligently. Maybe they write a particular topic that interest you; maybe there is something that everyone is writing about or just maybe you have two blogs sharing opposing views. The point is there content should be making you think about your content.

Also with popular blog’s it’s worth thinking about why they, in particular, have captured your attention. Is there some key element that hooked you to their in that you could re-work in your blog. All in all, bloggers should be reading and learning from one other to produce better blogs as a whole.

Anticipating your readers  

Part of the purpose of any blog is that exists to be read. So all bloggers should be paying attention to what their readers want to hear more about. A great way to do this is through social media. See what topics are trending through join linked-In groups and watch out for popular Hashtags all to gain a flavour of what your readers want then try to write something that fits that need.

Another way to find out what your readers want to read is through your own post. Posts that were popular show where the reader’s interest lies. So use that; take a look at your analytics and blog stats to see whether you can expand more on posts or topics that got a lot of engagement from your followers.

Learning and research 

Attending to readers interests is important but your interests are equally important. if you are passionate about a subject it shows in your writing so it’s important that you write what you want to write. This may sound simple on the surface but sometimes as a writer, it’s one hell of a daunting question.

So some ways to work on that can be taking 5 minutes to sit quietly and just let your thoughts out. no editing just you and a notebook. Then later you can go back to those ideas and try to build on them. You could track new developments or news and see if there is a spark to work on in that department. Finally, writing can be about learning maybe there is a topic you want to know more about so take some time, do some research and see what you can find out.

The thing to remember is to explore topics that inspire both you and your audience since it is much simpler to come up with ideas for new content when you are inspired.


In Conclusion, there are many ways to brainstorm new content ideas but I think the most important piece of advice I could give you is not to let the content monster trap you into producing bad content for content’s sake. This can be very damaging to a blog. So while it is vital to try and produce content regularly sometimes it’s better just to take a step back and evaluate things in order to keep your blog at a good quality standard rather than the alternative.


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